Our clients come to us because we fix the blocks and move the project forward.
Tree conservation is often the last item in the design phase. The building design and grading plan is finished, and ready for permitting. And then the project gets stuck because the tree protection issues have not been addressed.
Onebark’s super power is fixing these issues. Quickly. We understand the project arborist is often the final step - and that’s fine, because that’s exactly where we feel comfortable. We are consulting arborists that keep things moving ahead. We don’t make problems, we solve them.
Here are the most commonly requested construction services:
- Tree Protection Plans
- Tree Prescriptions
- Tree Inventories
- Specimen and Landmark Tree Analysis
- Feasibility Studies
We do them all with excellence and efficiency.
Being part of the team in the beginning is great too. We are arborists that support the design team and owner’s goals. We love being a company that developers and builders come to when they need an arborist who understands everything - from conservation to code compliance.
Want to know more? Send us a request. Ask us some questions. Let’s get started.
In the meantime, read more about our services:
Tree Prescriptions
A Tree Prescription is a document that analyzes construction impact. It almost always includes a treatment plan that helps maximize tree survivability. Each municipality has its own guidelines for the arborist preparer, so the tree prescription must meet local Best Management Practice requirements.
Tree Inventories
Most municipalities in the Atlanta area require tree inventories as part of any land disturbance permit. Onebark will work with your design team so that the tree inventory is accurate and fair, and that it truly reflects the conditions on the site.
Specimen & Landmark Tree Analysis
An accurate reflection of Specimen tree conditions is critical to the success of a project. If specimen tree are incorrectly measured or diagnosed, a project will spend too much on tree recompense and replanting. Our arborists use the unique specimen tree definitions contained in each municipal ordinance to skillfully assess specimen trees and reduce financial liability. Jesse Milton, the president of Onebark, has been assessing Specimen trees for nearly 25 years.
Tree Feasibility Studies
A feasibility study is a consultative approach to helping a design team make decisions about tree conservation. We are tree conservationists with a sharp pragmatic edge. Onebark understands the risk and liability of trees. We draw upon our extensive knowledge of how trees react to impact and changing site conditions. A feasibility study may be a simple one-time meeting on a residential infill lot...or a long-term study for a commercial development.
Whatever the project size, our customers return to us again and again to help them make the right decisions about tree conservation.
Tree Protection Plans
Onebark can provide your design team with all the required arborist information for your plan submittals. We specialize in Decatur Tree Plans, Avondale Estates Tree Plans, Brookhaven Tree Plans, Alpharetta Tree Care Plans, and Atlanta Tree Prescriptions.