Tree Prescriptions

Tree prescription atlanta

The City of Atlanta may require you to submit a Silvicultural Prescription.  We can do that.  In fact Onebark can prepare any kind of treatment plan for your trees.

prescription is a document and treatment plan that addresses the following standard:

Site Address
Ownership and contact numbers, including mailing address if different from site address Size, location, and species of each tree being analyzed
Provide a map, locate site on vicinity map
Private Arborist’s name and signature, ISA Certification  
Company’s name and address
Prescription must be provided on company’s letterhead

Reports should address:
Scope of impact
How impact affects tree’s health and stability (roots, trunk, and canopy)
Two and five-year survivability of trees

Destroyed vs. viability of trees

Prescription measures:
Soil, (e.g., mulching; alleviate compaction)
Roots and root collar
Canopy: pruning regimen (eg., thinning, crown reduction)
No trimming, no topping, no tipping is allowed Watering regiment - irrigation Treatments, e.g., growth regulators, pesticides, nutrients If pesticides, labeling information must be provided
Indicate potential source of contamination
Provisions for monitoring tree if applicable
Submit a signed and paid in full invoice for the fulfillment of prescription

© Onebark, LLC 2013